Newborn deer: ‘if you see me, leave me be’
BASC and the British Deer Society have launched a campaign on the importance of giving pregnant deer and their newborns space at this time of year.
Newborn deer: ‘if you see me, leave me be’ Read more...
BASC and the British Deer Society have launched a campaign on the importance of giving pregnant deer and their newborns space at this time of year.
Newborn deer: ‘if you see me, leave me be’ Read more...
BASC’s campaign for Invasive Species Week has captured the imagination of the press, putting squirrel and muntjac on the dinner menu.
Invasive Species Week highlights plight of UK natives
The Government has announced an interim licensing scheme for gamebird release on and within 500 metres of European Protected Sites.
Interim gamebird release licensing scheme announced
Martin Parker, former chief scientist at the National Ballistics Intelligence Service, has been appointed as BASC’s new head of firearms.
Martin Parker appointed as head of firearms at BASC Read more...
BASC has pledged to work with the newly-elected Scottish Government to ensure shooting’s interests continue to be fully represented in Holyrood.
BASC pledges to work constructively with new Scottish Government Read more...
BASC has rejected proposals by the UK Woodland Assurance Standard to ban the use of lead ammunition under its banner by 2023.
BASC rejects UK woodland lead ban
Following intervention from BASC, Defra has included scientific research as a licensable aspect of the new burning regulations in England.
Changes to Defra burning regulations accepted
The RSPB have used the recent wildfire in Northern Ireland’s Mourne mountains as a platform to call for a ban on controlled burning.
BASC accuses RSPB of exploiting Northern Ireland wildfire
A major new survey by BASC has found that three-quarters of respondents have taken additional precautions to protect their dogs from theft over the past year.
Measuring the impact of dog theft
After 10 years at the helm, BASC’s Glynn Evans has stepped down as chair of the England and Wales Poaching Priority Delivery Group.
Glynn Evans steps down as PPDG chair