BASC briefing document on general licences
New briefing document gives MPs and the rural community the facts on general licences.
BASC briefing document on general licences
New briefing document gives MPs and the rural community the facts on general licences.
BASC briefing document on general licences
New plan of action from NE needed “urgently”.
BASC produces critique of “unworkable” crow licence
Two-page document highlights the necessity of woodpigeon control.
BASC highlights importance of woodpigeon control to Natural England Read more...
Ian Bell has reassured members that the hard work is continuing in a bid to bring more clarity to the current general licence situation.
BASC chief executive gives latest update on general licences Read more...
“The sort of behaviour and threats described by Packham does not help anyone’s cause and must stop.”
BASC condemns threats made to Chris Packham
BASC feels Natural England decision unnecessarily puts people at risk of unwittingly falling foul of the law.
BASC responds to revocation of general licences
A proposal to consider excluding the use of general licences over some areas of land in Scotland has been challenged by the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC). BASC is concerned that this could penalise innocent land managers and affect their livelihoods.
General licence restrictions in Scotland could affect innocent land managers Read more...
Please email Natural England with your views on proposals to radically change the English general licences – which give the authority for activities such as pigeon shooting. The consultation closes on the 19th May.
BASC response to English general licences consultation
The 2014 general licences for Wales, which give legal authority for the control of pest bird species such as pigeons and crows, have been published by the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) after technical problems delayed their publication by Natural Resources Wales.
BASC steps in to publish 2014 general licences for Wales Read more...
Scottish Natural Heritage has made last minute changes to the Scottish general licenses that will take effect from 1st January 2014. BASC is challenging the process and one of the decisions.
BASC is challenging Scottish general licences decision