BASC AGM report
The BASC AGM saw the election of two new Council members and the awarding of four Honorary Life Memberships.
The BASC AGM saw the election of two new Council members and the awarding of four Honorary Life Memberships.
Natural England’s hen harrier brood management scheme continues to play a key role in hen harrier recovery in England.
Hen harrier brood management scheme licensed for fifth year Read more...
BASC is encouraging all dog owners to respond to a consultation on the microchipping regulations in England.
Review of dog microchipping regulations underway
BASC is calling for users of the general licence for conservation in Wales to provide case studies to rebut NRW’s decision to remove jays, jackdaws and magpies.
Require the general licence for conservation in Wales?
BASC’s head of uplands, Gareth Dockerty, pushes the message to leave barbeque at home when visiting the uplands.
Take a picnic, not a barbecue
BASC teamed up with Kids Country over the weekend to give 120 Cubs and Scouts an unforgettable outdoor experience.
Cubs and Scouts get back to nature with BASC and Kids Country Read more...
In a move supported by BASC, Defra has confirmed that it will contest Wild Justice’s latest legal challenge relating to the general licence GL42.
Defra ready to fight Wild Justice in the courts Read more...
Subject to NRW board approval, the proposals would remove magpies, jays and jackdaws from the Welsh general licence for conservation.
Natural Resources Wales proposals place most vulnerable species at risk, says BASC Read more...
The Home Office has begun tendering for a new system to replace the National Firearms Licence Management System in England and Wales.
New firearms licensing database offers significant improvements
Land-based workers in Scotland can claim upwards of £500 towards the cost of practical and technical courses under the scheme.
£250,000 fund for Scottish land-based workers