Scottish Government considers ban on snares
The Scottish Government’s suggestion that it would consider a statutory ban on snares would be ‘disastrous for land managers’ says BASC.
Scottish Government considers ban on snares
The Scottish Government’s suggestion that it would consider a statutory ban on snares would be ‘disastrous for land managers’ says BASC.
Scottish Government considers ban on snares
BASC has challenged North Yorkshire Police’s decision to halt firearms certificate grants, pressing for it to be reversed as a matter of urgency.
North Yorkshire Police in breach of statutory duty, says BASC Read more...
The Gylfinir Cymru partnership, involving BASC and 15 other partner organisations, has launched a 10-year plan to reverse curlew decline in Wales.
Ten-year action plan launched to save curlew in Wales Read more...
Today sees the launch of the new Eat Game Podcast, marking the start of Great British Game Week 2021.
Eat Game launches new podcast
Following years of campaigning, BASC Northern Ireland has welcomed the introduction of a firearms certificate condition known as ‘Any Other Lawful Quarry’.
Improvement to firearms licence condition welcomed by BASC Northern Ireland Read more...
Crieff Juniors FC 2008 squad have a new sponsor in the form of BASC, giving the team the opportunity to try their hand at shooting sports.
Shooting hits the mark with Crieff Juniors FC
The results of the recent APCC survey on firearms licensing support the addition of markers to the medical records of certificate holders.
Survey findings support call for medical markers
A legal challenge by the RSPB and Mark Avery over Natural England’s research into hen harrier brood management has been dismissed by the Court of Appeal.
RSPB loses hen harrier judicial review
Watch the BTO’s new film on how curlew breeding is being given a head start with the help of gamekeepers on the Sandringham Estate.
Read our explanation of the non-statutory Guide on Firearms Licensing Law published by the Home Office and what it means for licence holders.
Non-statutory Home Office guidance