Young Shots day hits the target
A massive thank you to Conor Lewis of Lavin Guns, for sponsoring our Young Shots Activity Day at North Antrim Rifle and Pistol Club (NARPC).
Lavin Guns
Young Shots day hits the target
A massive thank you to Conor Lewis of Lavin Guns, for sponsoring our Young Shots Activity Day at North Antrim Rifle and Pistol Club (NARPC).
Lavin Guns
Young Shots day hits the target
Read our stance on the lead ammunition restriction proposals in England, Wales and Scotland, plus guidance on having your say through the public consultation.
BASC’s position on UK REACH lead ammunition restriction proposals Read more...
BASC has received ministerial confirmation which quashes claims that country sports will be banned in Wales by 2024.
Welsh government position on shooting confirmed
As we prepare to celebrate the Queen and the Platinum Jubilee, we take a closer look at her majesty’s love of the countryside and more importantly her four-legged companions.
The Queen of the countryside
FACE has launched a European Hunters’ Campaign and needs your help to fight ill-conceived policy decisions.
FACE launches new campaign to protect shooting
BASC is advising members that there are no substantial changes to the conditions of the new licence, although there is additional clarification around the consenting process.
Conditions to remain the same as GL43 is renewed Read more...
The condition would impact young and future farmers, conservationists and pest controllers who require general licences in work and training.
NRW commits to removing “discriminatory” general licences age restriction Read more...
BASC North RO Gavin Howe and Ian Bretherton joined up with the teachers and pupils at Howick C of E Primary School to help them site 12 BASC bird boxes in their new Forest school.
12 new bird boxes placed in a primary school Read more...
Yesterday BASC East were involved with an event for local scout groups in Suffolk.
BASC East host scout groups in Suffolk
We were delighted to support The Border Union Schools Countryside Education Day at Kelso earlier this week – run by the Society for P5 pupils across the Scottish Borders.
BASC at the Border Union Schools Countryside Education Day Read more...