Political red tape a threat to shooting in Wales
BASC is vowing to fight “restriction proposals” arising from a call for evidence on gamebird releasing in Wales.
Political red tape a threat to shooting in Wales Read more...
BASC is vowing to fight “restriction proposals” arising from a call for evidence on gamebird releasing in Wales.
Political red tape a threat to shooting in Wales Read more...
Last week’s Let’s Learn Moor saw 3,000 children from schools across the north of England experience a day on their local moor.
Let’s Learn Moor is another roaring success
With so much uncertainty surrounding this season, we speak to members on how they are planning to adapt.
How are you adapting for the season ahead?
Dr Conor O’Gorman and Dan Reynolds review the HSE proposals for a ban on lead ammunition, BASC’s position, and outline how you can help.
Run by BASC and the Scottish Youth and the Countryside Education Trust, the event saw more than 100 young people take part during the Scottish Game Fair this weekend.
Junior Macnab well and truly bagged at Scone
The card provides proof of identity and qualifications for BASC members and non-members, perfect for gaining shooting permissions.
BASC launches new Qualifications Card
The review provides the opportunity to secure funding for game and wildlife course in the future.
T Level habitat management course review extended
Project Penelope reveals how one Eurasion wigeon has travelled more than 6,000 miles in the last year.
Satellite-tagged duck records monumental migration
The unseasonably warm temperatures might be great for getting outside and enjoying the fresh air, but unfortunately it also means that ticks are still causing issues.
1 in 7 people affected by Lyme Disease
BASC Scotland is urging the Minister for Environment and Land Reform to address the difficulties facing gamekeepers and rural workers.
Gamekeeping Taskforce “needed now more than ever”