Looking for something to read? You’ll find a host of insightful and entertaining articles on all things shooting right here.
Invasive non-native deer species in the UK
BASC deer advisor James Sutcliffe looks at two of the most destructive invasive non-native deer species which have made our isles their home.
Quietly does it
BASC member Jim Foxall explains how he and his son have achieved consistent success in controlling grey squirrels using moderated shotguns.
Gundog breed spotlight – Braque D’auvergne
Read about the Braque D’auvergne in the first in our series on gundog breeds, courtesy of Gundog Journal.
Quick guide on invasive species
Our guide on invasive species will help you check which are edible, non-edible and poisonous or dangerous. Flip the cards to learn more.
Invasive species ABC
Invasive non-native species pose a significant threat to biodiversity in the UK and cost the economy billions of pounds every year.
The year the north’s grandest show went national
Britain’s best loved celebration of shooting may have rebranded to the National Shooting Show, but it’s kept its unique atmosphere, says BASC’s Marta Jacyna.
What’s in the nest?
With reports of ducklings hatching out across the country, now is the perfect time to monitor any duck nest tubes you may have installed.
Citizen science data at the forefront of new research
Sophie Stafford reviews research published in March and April, with a particular focus on studies underpinned by data submitted by the public.
Royal Mail and Parcelforce knife policy update
From 7 May, Royal Mail and Parcelforce will prohibit the carriage of some types of knives, but exclusions apply for hobbies and trades, says Conor O’Gorman.