A deer stalker looking through their binoculars
A deer stalker looking through their binoculars

Stalking schemes

BASC currently has four deer stalking schemes in operation – Baronscourt (Northern Ireland), Bowland, East of England (near Newmarket) and Hampshire.

The schemes have been developed to provide a variety of different deer stalking opportunities for members who wish to take up stalking and to provide those with limited access to stalking with the opportunity to gain practical experience and increase their knowledge.

Isle of Arran stalking scheme

The BASC stalking lease on the Isle of Arran has expired. BASC is committed to re-tendering for this lease when it becomes available. 

We continue to seek to extend stalking opportunities for members, and we hope to announce new options in Scotland in due course. 

In the meantime, you can find out more about BASC’s other stalking schemes by clicking the links above. Places are available on these schemes for those who wish to experience excellent stalking at a reasonable price.