Scout and about with BASC
Curtis Mossop highlights the BASC and Kids Country Cubs and Scouts event as a fine example of BASC’s work to bring the countryside to thousands of children every year.
Scout and about with BASC
Curtis Mossop highlights the BASC and Kids Country Cubs and Scouts event as a fine example of BASC’s work to bring the countryside to thousands of children every year.
Scout and about with BASC
The RSPB and WWT’s open letter calls for the signatories to pre-empt the outcome of the government’s UK REACH process on lead ammunition.
BASC statement in response to RSPB and WWT open letter Read more...
BASC teamed up with Kids Country this weekend to give 120 Cubs and Scouts an unforgettable experience of the countryside and conservation.
Cubs and Scouts get back to nature with BASC and Kids Country Read more...
A BASC Freedom of Information request to Devon and Cornwall police has revealed that the firearms licensing department is currently revoking shotgun and firearms certificates at nine-times the rate of the last 13 years.
Devon and Cornwall firearms licensing in the spotlight
The winners of this year’s Eat Game Awards were named at a glittering ceremony in London this evening.
Eat Game Award winners crowned
The decision by Natural Resources Wales to restrict the ability of conservationists and wildlife managers to control magpies, jays and jackdaws is a retrograde blow for conservation.
Welsh conservation efforts set back by NRW red tape Read more...
A substantial number of confirmed cases means it is extremely likely that there will be issues with the supply of eggs and chicks from France.
Avian Influenza update in France
BASC has expelled for life two members convicted of wildlife and firearms offences.
BASC expels members for wildlife crime and firearms offences Read more...
BASC has committed to contributing £75,000 towards Natural England’s hen harrier recovery work over the next three years.
BASC commits to hen harrier recovery plan
BASC supports an amendment to the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill which means the cultural traditions, religion, and heritage of animals have to be respected in government policy.
Successful amendment to Sentience Bill reassures those who work with animals Read more...