Becoming a working dog breeder
BASC’s working dog insurance provider, Agria Pet Insurance, share their advice on becoming a reputable and responsible gundog breeder.Â
Becoming a working dog breeder
BASC’s working dog insurance provider, Agria Pet Insurance, share their advice on becoming a reputable and responsible gundog breeder.Â
Becoming a working dog breeder
BASC member Jim Old took the Game Shooter Certificate course – read his account of how he got on over two enjoyable and informative days.
Within the thousands of dogs which end up in rescue shelters every year, are many who have the potential to find a new life as a working gundog.
Second chance gundogs
The BASC Breeder Club, launched in partnership with Agria Pet Insurance, is free to join and provides five-week insurance cover for puppies.
BASC Breeder Club for gundogs launched at The Game Fair Read more...
The Slovakian rough-haired pointer originated from Slovakia after the laws around hunting and farming were changed post-World War II.
Breed spotlight: Slovakian rough-haired pointer
Entries for the BASC Tower Bird Trophies, which reward performances in field trial competitions, close on 31 May 2024.
Last chance to enter Tower Bird Trophy competition for field trial competitors Read more...
Read about the Braque D’auvergne in the first in our series on gundog breeds, courtesy of Gundog Journal.
Gundog breed spotlight – Braque D’auvergne
Toni Paull from the BASC South West team reflects on a final day picking up with an old friend.
The last retrieve
The BASC gamekeeper rings at Crufts were singled out for praise by TV presenter Radzi Chinyanganya in a backstage interview with our media team.
Channel 4’s Radzi full of praise for BASC rings at Crufts Read more...
Relive all the action from BASC’s working gundog classes at Crufts 2024 with our gallery from this year’s show.
BASC at Crufts 2024 in pictures