Last chance to enter Tower Bird Trophy competition for field trial competitors

A gundog running through water with a dummy

Entries for the BASC Tower Bird Trophies, which reward performances in field trial competitions, close on 31 May 2024.

Awarded on a points system, the Tower Bird Trophies are awarded to the most successful retriever, spaniel, HPR breed, and pointer or setter during the previous field trial season. Four trophies are given in total, with the presentation taking place at The Game Fair at Blenheim Palace on 26-28 July.

The trophies themselves are named in memory of the late Noel M (Tim) Sedgewick, the former editor in chief of The Shooting Times and Country Magazine who wrote under the pseudonym “Tower Bird”.

BASC’s gamekeeping and working dog advisor, Ged Hunston, said: “The Tower Bird Trophies are steeped in history and we are proud to present them each year to reward outstanding performance in a field trial setting. With only one week left to go, I’d encourage anyone who has not yet entered to get in touch and send us your results to be in the running.”

Find out more and enter your dog or dogs, here.
