Latest news
We deal extensively with national, regional and local media on a range of topics.
Top-venting blank firing gun amnesty
The amnesty for top-venting blank firing guns, being held due to the increased use of converted guns of this type in crime, runs from 3-28 February.
Do your bit in the fight for a fair deal on firearms licensing fees
Writing to your MP is top of the list in terms of what you can you do to assist BASC and other rural organisations fighting for a fair deal on firearms licensing fees.
BASC welcomes changes to deer season proposal in Scotland
BASC has welcomed the Scottish Government’s decision to halt its proposed changes to the female deer management season.
Habitat and predator management are of equal importance for curlew recovery
BASC demonstrated its commitment to curlew recovery as part of a Gylfinir Cymru (Curlew Wales) delegation that met with Huw Irranca-Davies.
Write to your MP on firearms licensing fee increases
The proposed increases to firearms licensing fees damage the countryside. You can help by writing to your MP.
PCCs must use firearms licensing fees to improve service, says BASC
BASC is seeking assurances from all PCCs that funds raised from any fees increase will be used to resource firearms licensing departments.
BASC welcomes government support for sustainable grouse shooting
BASC has welcomed the Government’s robust response to a petition calling for a ban on driven grouse shooting.
Rural livelihoods at risk due to firearms fees hike, says BASC
BASC has warned that the government’s decision to significantly increase firearms licensing fees poses a threat to rural livelihoods.
BASC condemns proposed firearms fees hike as a threat to public safety
BASC has condemned the government’s decision to increase firearms licensing fees to full-cost recovery without fixing the inefficiencies undermining the current system.