Permitted development rights and target shooting
Respond to a Scottish consultation on the exclusion of target shooting ranges as a land use under permitted development rights.
Permitted development rights and target shooting
Respond to a Scottish consultation on the exclusion of target shooting ranges as a land use under permitted development rights.
Permitted development rights and target shooting
BASC last night had a constructive conversation with United Utilities’ CEO, Louise Beardmore, regarding shoot leases on the company’s land.
BASC statement on shoot leases on United Utilities land Read more...
BASC has assisted with the return of shotguns to a group of pigeon shooters following their inappropriate seizure by Greater Manchester Police.
Shotguns returned following pigeon shooting seizure
You can be part of shooting’s reprisal against United Utilities’ decision not to renew shoot leases on its land.
United Utilities: fighting back
BASC quizzed Defra Minister Lord Benyon on his department’s changes to the law around releasing gamebirds, during a visit to the New Forest Show.
Defra minister quizzed on gamebird release legislation
The shooting community must respond in numbers. Make sure you have your say.
New firearms consultation is the most important in 35 years, says BASC Read more...
BASC chief executive Ian Bell has told the Daily Telegraph of the crisis unfolding across the English countryside.
Time running out for shoots following Defra decision, BASC warn Read more...
Help shape the future of young people in Scotland.
Survey seeks feedback on Scotland’s land use apprenticeships
Thousands of schoolchildren are set to ‘learn moor’ about the importance of the UK upland landscapes from 3-7 July.
UK’s largest uplands classroom set to return for 2023 Read more...
BASC was present at the first of several oral evidence sessions of the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill last week in the Scottish Parliament.
MSPs dissect Scottish grouse Bill in first evidence session Read more...