Welsh general licence users need to “use them or lose them”
Attention now focused on ensuring people do not fall foul of changes.
Welsh general licence users need to “use them or lose them” Read more...
Attention now focused on ensuring people do not fall foul of changes.
Welsh general licence users need to “use them or lose them” Read more...
Play your part in NRW general licence review to ensure future licences are fit for purpose.
Take part in BASC survey to protect shooting in Wales Read more...
New licences went live on Friday, 14 June 2019.
Leading organisations respond to new general licences
The 2014 general licences for Wales, which give legal authority for the control of pest bird species such as pigeons and crows, have been published by the UK’s largest shooting organisation, the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) after technical problems delayed their publication by Natural Resources Wales.
BASC steps in to publish 2014 general licences for Wales Read more...