Share the benefits of grouse shooting

A red grouse

BASC is asking its members and supporters to promote the benefits of grouse shooting to their local MPs and push back against a Wild Justice petition.

The petition calls for a ban on driven grouse shooting and, should it reach the threshold of 100,000 signatures, will trigger a debate in parliament, likely to take place in the spring. 

BASC is asking all members to send our simple infographic, which highlights the benefits of grouse shooting and moorland management, to their local MPs.

Having a significant number new MPs in place following the 2024 election leaves potential for the environmental, social, and economic benefits of grouse shooting to sit under the radar, which could leave MPs swayed by one-sided arguments.

Show your support for sustainable grouse shooting by sending the below infographic to your MP. You can download a version here, and if you’re not sure how to contact your MP, click here to search and find their details.

Grouse shooting infographic
