Scottish grouse licensing system opens today

grouse flying

NatureScot has announced the new system for grouse shoot licences is open for applications from today, Monday 15 July.

BASC is urging members in Scotland to apply for a grouse shoot licence following the opening NatureScot’s online portal today, 15 July. With the date falling less than a month before the start of the grouse season, we advise members who need to submit a licence application to do so as soon as possible.

BASC Scotland director Peter Clark said the association was instrumental in ensuring the licence duration was extended to five years as the Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill (now Act) made its way through the Scottish Parliament. BASC has also worked with MSPs and Ministers to ensure the system is practical and balanced for the long-term.

Although we pushed for more time for the sector to adjust to this major change, the system is operational and we will continue to monitor its implementation closely. We urge businesses to begin gathering the necessary information for applications.

The statutory code of practice for grouse moor management, which BASC has been involved in drafting and which all licence holders must follow, is available here. The code will outline the legal obligations associated with moorland management for grouse shooting.

For more information on the grouse shoot licences and to apply, visit the NatureScot website here.

Read more news and information from BASC Scotland here.
