Latest news
We deal extensively with national, regional and local media on a range of topics.
BASC Women in Shooting launches in Scotland
Women from across fieldsports came together this weekend to celebrate the Scottish launch of BASC’s Women in Shooting initiative.
BASC chairman hails tourism heroes at Scottish Game Fair
Five businesses received awards at Scone today for their outstanding contribution to the Scottish country sports tourism sector.
BASC responds to general election result
BASC has issued the following statement in response to the result of the general election yesterday, 4 July.
Crucial Value of Shooting report to be launched at Scottish Game Fair
The Value of Shooting report, which underlines the importance of shooting and conservation to Scotland, will be launched at Scone tomorrow.
Prepare for launch of grouse moor licensing portal, BASC Scotland tells members
BASC Scotland is urging members to apply for a grouse moor licence as soon as a dedicated portal opens later this month.
Scottish schoolchildren benefit from BASC Legacy Fund
BASC provided £15,000 of sponsorship from its Legacy Fund this year to ‘Estates that Educate’, run by Scotland’s Regional Moorland Groups.
Value of Shooting Metro ad makes tracks across the UK
With a circulation of one million, the advert is a great opportunity to promote the benefits of shooting ahead of the election.
BASC celebrates launch of SAYFC partnership at Royal Highland Show
BASC launched a new partnership with the Scottish Association of Young Farmers’ Clubs at the Royal Highland Show last week.
Less than one week remaining to apply for BASC scholarships
There is less than a week until the deadline for applications for one of two BASC scholarships for the 2024/25 academic year.