Cefni Estuary – Newborough Warren and Ynys Llanddwyn NNR
Permits available: Day permits – £10 per day (only two permits per week per person). Seasonal permits free of charge to those on the Ynys Mon/Anglesey electoral role. No shooting on Sundays.
Application details: For application forms send an SAE to NRW regional office. Applications should be made at least one month in advance and include details of vehicle, and BASC membership card (valid for the whole shooting season) and a copy of a valid shotgun certificate required. Please contact Graham Williams (as above) for the address. Non-BASC members are required to hold appropriate third party liability insurance. Payments to be made by cheque payable to NRW.
Additional information: Non-lead shot only. Shooting is only allowed within areas shown on the permit card. Wildfowling returns to be sent to Graham Williams as above within 15 days of end of season.