Happy days on the clays
With summer finally here, now is the time to look at the virtues of shooting clays to keep your eye in and satisfy a need.
Happy days on the clays
With summer finally here, now is the time to look at the virtues of shooting clays to keep your eye in and satisfy a need.
Happy days on the clays
BASC’s Conor O’Gorman reviews political party manifestoes and urges everyone to contact their parliamentary candidates before 4 July.
Election 2024: what do the party manifestoes say about shooting? Read more...
In the face of an election billed as a foregone conclusion, BASC’s Christopher Graffius argues why we all must continue to press for a positive outcome for shooting.
Boredom and apathy have no place in a general election Read more...
Successful pigeon control is an endless learning curve, as BASC East director Terry Behan knows from 40 years of hard-earned experience.
The art of pigeon shooting
With daylight hours extending, temperatures warming and the countryside full of life, the roe buck season is a highlight of the year.
The lure of the roe buck
BASC Northern Ireland team held a Young Shots activity day at Carnview Farms Clay Target Complex.
Young Shots activity day hits the marks at Carnview Read more...
Ian Danby takes us through what you can do to help in the fight against invasive non-native species in the UK.
Invasive non-native species: what you can do
BASC deer advisor James Sutcliffe looks at two of the most destructive invasive non-native deer species which have made our isles their home.
Invasive non-native deer species in the UK
BASC member Jim Foxall explains how he and his son have achieved consistent success in controlling grey squirrels using moderated shotguns.
Read about the Braque D’auvergne in the first in our series on gundog breeds, courtesy of Gundog Journal.
Gundog breed spotlight – Braque D’auvergne