BASC Species of the month – April
Curlew is Britain’s largest wader and was once common throughout the UK, which hosts around 25 per cent of the international population.
BASC Species of the month – April
Curlew is Britain’s largest wader and was once common throughout the UK, which hosts around 25 per cent of the international population.
BASC Species of the month – April
BASC deer officer Audrey Watson discusses how identifying woodland plant species and assessing damage can help you to carry out successful deer impact assessments.
Of Deer and Dog’s Mercury
Ticks, and tick-borne diseases, are becoming more of a widespread issue in the UK. Be vigilant after exercising your dog outside, says BASC’s gundog officer Kate Dymock.
Check for hidden dangers – ticks
Andrew Profit, a keen stalker and outdoor enthusiast, talks about living with Lyme disease.
Living with Lyme disease
The Antique Firearms Regulations 2021 becomes law on 22nd March 2021. Check whether your firearm qualifies as an antique and read our guidance on what you should do next.
Antique Firearms Regulations 2021: What you need to know Read more...
As reported thefts of dogs in the UK soar, what can you do to prevent your dog from being stolen? Experts from Skinner’s share their advice on keeping your dog safe.
Simple measures you can take to prevent dog theft Read more...
In March, we take a closer look at the mysterious tawny owls, their habits and where you can find them.
Tawny Owl – Species of the month – March Read more...
BASC’s Dr Conor O’Gorman takes a look at his favourite bird species – the enigmatic grey partridge…
BASC Species of the Month – February
Fuelled largely by media bias and a populist agenda, the anti-gamekeeper feeding frenzy of late must cease, says Ian Grindy.
The unsung victims
Young shot Thomas Bristow raises his significant concern over the government’s proposal to restrict the use of airguns for under-18s.
Young Shot, Thomas Bristow, speaks out over proposed airgun restrictions Read more...