BASC to School
Find out more about how we introduce tens-of-thousands of children and young people to shooting and the countryside every year.
BASC to School is a wide-ranging initiative that provides tens-of-thousands of children and young people with the opportunity to learn about the countryside, land management and the importance of shooting to rural life and conservation through a range of educational events across the country.
We work in partnership with schools, colleges, charities and other learning providers, as well as farmers, agricultural societies, land managers, moorland groups and emergency services to help young people develop an affinity with our countryside and those who manage it.
Here you will find all our latest news and updates on our work to help children and young people from all over the UK connect with shooting and rural life.
If you have an event you’d like to tell us about, get in touch by emailing us here or use #BASCtoSchool on social media.
The latest from BASC to School

BASC gift gives young filmmakers a boost
BASC has donated camera equipment to a charity which provides filmmaking training for young people in South Wales.

Olympic hopefuls awarded BASC Legacy Sponsorships
Two young competitive shooters, Courtney Palmer-Jones and Bethany Norton, have been selected as recipients of the BASC Legacy Sponsorship awards for 2024.

Scottish secondary school students get stuck in to game
BASC Scotland director Peter Clark recently joined Tayside and Grampian Moorland Group coordinator Deirdre Falconer to showcase game to local school pupils.