An update on the five-year transition towards sustainable ammunition

A five-year transition, not a one year solution
BASC has joined other shooting and rural organisations in publishing a joint statement this week on the continued five-year transition towards sustainable ammunition.
BASC spokesman Garry Doolan said: “This is a five-year transition, not a one-year solution. The logistics of moving over to sustainable ammunition, after generations of using lead shot, are substantial.
“Significant progress has been made, such as the manufacturers’ development of new sustainable and biodegradable products, but it will take time for people to continue to adapt.”
Click below to read full statement:
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A joint statement on the future of shotgun ammunition for live quarry shooting
Together we wish to see an end to both lead and single-use plastics in ammunition used by those taking all live quarry with shotguns within five years.

Defra issues statement in response to lead ammunition announcement
Environment minister welcomes new lead position.