Help us determine the carbon footprint of game

Game meat is the ultimate local, seasonal food, but we know very little about the carbon footprint of game meat in the UK.

In a bid to address this, BASC has commissioned Sustainable Footprints to calculate the carbon footprint of gamebirds, woodpigeon and venison in England, and we need your help.

We are conducting two separate surveys to help us understand the data better.

One is for shooters/stalkers, both recreational and professional, and the other is for gamekeepers, so please complete the survey which you think best describes you.

Game/ woodpigeon shooting and deer stalking survey, both recreational and professional 

Gamekeeper survey

All responses will be anonymous to BASC – we will not see individual responses and will not be able to identify individual respondents.

Data collected as part of this survey will be used and stored by Sustainable Footprints in line with their privacy policy.

If you have any queries about this survey please contact Sustainable Footprints at

Both surveys close at midnight on 10 May, so make sure you get your voices heard.
