A countryside landscape
A countryside landscape

The Crown Estate

BASC-affiliated wildfowling clubs manage sporting rights on approximately 716km of foreshore owned by The Crown Estate in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

All leases are subject to the procedures of the Joint Group for Wildfowling and Conservation on Tidal Land (JTG).

We help affiliated clubs obtain sporting rights leases and associated consents and licences on Crown Estate foreshore by:

  • Identifying areas of Crown Estate foreshore that are available for a lease application.
  • Assisting with the application process, which involves writing a management plan and undertaking a consultation.
  • Helping clubs obtain consent for wildfowling on SSSIs (Site of Special Scientific Interest) where this is required.

The Land Management & Consenting team typically manage upwards of 30 consent and license cases each year and 13 Crown Estate lease management plan renewals.

The team are also available for advice and guidance over non-Crown Estate consents and assents, please contact consenting@basc.org.uk

Visit the Magic Map that shows SSSIs in your area.
