GL43 update welcomed by BASC
BASC has today received confirmation from Defra that GL43 will be issued in the coming weeks.
GL43 update welcomed by BASC
BASC has today received confirmation from Defra that GL43 will be issued in the coming weeks.
GL43 update welcomed by BASC
Glynn Evans brings us up to date on the general licences which permit the releasing of gamebirds on European protected sites in England, and discusses what comes next.
Gamebird release on protected sites in England: where are we now? Read more...
BASC has settled a claim for a judicial review over Defra’s decision to alter GL43, which allowed the release of gamebirds in certain areas of England.
BASC settles GL43 legal challenge with government
Defra has announced that GL45, which governs the release of gamebirds on or around certain Special Protection Areas in England, is currently being reviewed.
Defra reviewing GL45 in light of reduction of AI risk Read more...
BASC has welcomed the announcement by Defra of a new general licence (GL45) for the release of gamebirds on or near certain Special Protection Areas in England.
BASC welcomes significant improvements to GL43
The final policy decision by the Secretary of State regarding the release of gamebirds on or near Special Protection Areas in England has been delayed further.
SPA gamebird release decision delayed by Defra
Following intervention from BASC, a reporting process for shoots releasing gamebirds on or near a Special Protection Area has been streamlined.
BASC secures concession on gamebird release reporting
BASC has been granted permission by the High Court to bring a judicial review of Defra’s decision to withdraw GL43, the general licence that allowed gamebird release in certain areas of England.
BASC given permission to bring judicial review of Defra decision Read more...
Lawyers today filed a claim for a Judicial Review after “Defra decision makers rode roughshod” over rural community.
BASC takes GL43 fight to the High Court
Speaking at debate in the House of Commons, Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown has heavily criticised Defra over it’s handling of gamebird release licences in protected areas.
BASC vice-president stands up for gamebird release in Parliament Read more...