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Science matters
BASC monitors scientific journals, environmental, policy and political alerts for the results of studies of relevance to shooting and conservation. Below are links to a selection of papers published in November – December 2024.
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- The State of Yorkshire’s Birds
- The Breeding Bird Survey of the United Kingdom
- Vegetation cover in outdoor enclosures reduces feather pecking in farm-reared red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa)
- Local sub-population dynamics of a central European grey partridge meta-population support large-scale conservation approach to halt its ongoing decline
- Common snipe (Gallinago gallinago) population trend using 12 years of data across different Italian regions
- Essential steps for establishing a large-scale passive acoustic monitoring for an elusive forest bird species: the Eurasian Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola)
- Using tracking data to assess seasonal habitat use and conflict potential of Greylag Geese in Danish intensive agricultural landscapes
- Acoustic detection rate can outperform traditional survey approaches in estimating relative densities of breeding waders
Land management
- The conservation island effect of commercial hunting of red-legged partridges in agricultural landscapes
- A landscape-based approach to design flower blocks may reduce mammalian predator activity and protect ground-nesting farmland birds
- An evaluation of agri-environment scheme impact on hedgerows in England
- A vision for the future conservation evidence landscape
- The location of solar farms within England’s ecological landscape: Implications for biodiversity conservation
- Improving result-based schemes for nature conservation in agricultural landscapes—challenges and best practices from selected European countries
- The effect of small-scale agro-environmental initiatives on avian diversity in agricultural landscapes
- Long-term surveys of ungulates’ effects on tree and shrub species in mountainous forests –outcomes and potential limits
Other topics
- State of Natural Capital Report for England 2024: Risks to nature and why it matters
- Evaluating key evidence and formulating regulatory alternatives regarding the UK’s Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill
- Unveiling game meat: an analysis of marketing mix and consumer preferences for a forest ecosystem product
- Danish hunting in the light of unique citizen science bag statistics spanning 80Â years
The natural capital benefits of shooting
BASC published its inaugural natural capital report in March 2024 to establish the value of benefits generated by UK shooting.