Life will be harder for farmers after magpies removed from Welsh general licence, says BASC


The decision by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) to remove magpies from the list of birds that can be controlled under general licence in Wales could make it even harder for farmers to stay economically viable, says BASC.

NRW has confirmed that from 1 January 2024, it will be an offence to take or kill a magpie in Wales under GL001. Individuals will instead have to apply to NRW for a specific licence.

BASC Wales director Steve Griffiths said: “Magpies were removed previously from GL004 for conservation purposes. The removal of the species from GL001 could result in a loss of livestock, which will make it even harder for farmers to stay economically viable in difficult times.”

For more information or to download a copy of the 2024 general licences for Wales visit: Natural Resources Wales / General licences for birds 2024.
