Beaters' day Guns
Beaters' day Guns

Have a beaters’ day to remember

BASC’s Julia Newman shares her top tips for enjoying your beaters’ day this year, a highlight in the calendar for all involved in making shoots happen right through the season. 

Beaters’ day, or keeper’s day as it can also be known, is one that many look forward to as the shooting season draws to a close. 

It is a day for the owner, ‘keepers and guns to thank everyone involved in the on-the-ground operations of each shoot dayAfter all, no day would not be possible without those who offer their time come rain or shine! 

For those who help out on a shoot throughout the season, whether that’s in the beating line, picking up, loading or assisting with hospitality, being a Gun for a day is a great reward for your efforts. Should you not have the chance to shoot often, or at all, beaters’ day provides an opportunity to have a go and experience life on the other side of the line. 

A privilege not a right

It should be considered a privilege to be invited to shoot and not taken for granted. No matter how well you shoot, the day is designed to be an enjoyable event that everyone can get involved with.

If you haven’t been before, beaters’ day often sees those invited and keen to shoot split up into multiple teams of Guns. Teams will then draw to find out who will be shooting first and in turn each Gun will draw a peg. 

Each team, along with people volunteering to help, will take it in turns to beat while the other team shoots. This makes it fair in terms of who shoots which drives and keeps everyone involved all day.

After the day, many shoot owners put on some kind of meal. It may be that you have this in the shoot hut or lodge, or down the local pub, but either way this is to show their appreciation for everyone involved during the season. It is a lovely way to gather everyone together, share stories from the day and reminisce the highs and lows of the past few months. I warn you though, it may also leave you chomping at the bit for the start of next season!

Beaters' day top tips

Here are some of my top tips for making the most of your beaters’ day:

  • Ahead of the day make sure you know all the details that you need. What is the meet time? What quarry are you expecting to shoot? Do you need money for a sweepstake?
  • If you have been invited to shoot but are less experienced or don’t have your own gun, speak to the gamekeeper or shoot captain in advance to see if you can still get involved with the day. You may be able to borrow a gun, plus have an experienced shot stand with you and mentor you for the day.
  • Check you have the right cartridges for the quarry you are expecting to shoot.
  • Organise your kit; I like to check the night before to make sure I have everything I need with me. I also give it a final check over on the morning before I set off. The only thing I don’t pack in advance is my gun – I leave this until I leave.
  • If you’re planning on taking a dog, think about whether this will just be to beat/pick up or while you shoot, too. If you’re not sure how quietly your dog will sit on peg, you might be better to put him/her away for these drives to prevent distraction.
  • Take your shotgun certificate with you and proof of insurance if required. I make sure to take my BASC membership card with me in case I am asked on the day.
  • Ensure that you are safe and seen to be safe at all times.
  • Remember etiquette. While beaters’ day is a bit different to the norm, do your best to get on peg quietly and on time. This will help you get the most out of your day.
  • Try to mark any birds you have shot and help pick up after the drive, this keeps the day running smoothly and ensures all birds are retrieved.
  • Remember to thank the ‘keeper at the end of the day.

I hope you all have an enjoyable last few days of the season. Shoot straight and keep safe!
