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Shooting leases and shooting agreements
To secure your shooting opportunity, BASC strongly recommends that you take out a lease or shooting agreement with your landlord.
This may seem a little over the top for a small or informal shoot – but having a written agreement in place protects both you and your landlord.
With a written agreement, each party knows exactly what is expected and will help to avoid any misunderstandings.
To help make things easier for you we have worked with a lawyer to draft two suggested shooting agreements.
One is for a typical shoot over farmland for example where you may wish to secure the shooting rights for 12 months or more.
The other is a suggested format for an agreement between a group of travelling guns and a sporting agent, or anyone else who is selling a shoot day.
We also have a template for members seeking permission to undertake pest control. This form can be used where no money is changing hands and its scope is for pest birds and mammals. It is equally applicable for deer control as it is for rabbit and woodpigeon control.
This is NOT intended to be compulsory, but simply to help members. Its value is that you can immediately show that you have permission to be on the land with your firearm to control pests.
Let days agreement form
Shooting rights licence
Airgun instructor
This course will equip the candidate with the knowledge, understanding, and awareness of a basic airgun instructor.
Game cover crops
To create an environment in which gamebirds and other wild birds can flourish, areas of game cover crop are often planted to provide additional habitat