BASC statement in response to Birdcrime report

Male hen harrier in flight

In response to the publication of the RSPB’s latest Birdcrime report and subsequent media coverage, BASC has released the following statement:

“BASC, along with other rural organisations, is a signatory to a declaration advocating zero tolerance for the illegal killing of birds of prey. We make it clear that BASC will expel members convicted of wildlife crime. We strongly condemn such activity; it has no place in our community and those convicted should face the full force of the law.

“Our sector has taken significant positive steps in recent years and the illegal killing of birds of prey undermines all that good work.

“Although every incident is one too many, the previous year’s RSPB report showed a substantial reduction in cases. The RSPB must see our sector’s progress, it should not be overlooked. Shooting providers and volunteers also contribute £500m worth of conservation work annually, the equivalent of 26,000 full-time jobs and 14 million workdays. BASC supports Natural England’s hen harrier recovery plan, having committed £75,000 over three years in 2022 from our BASC Legacy Fund, and £125,000 from the BASC Wildlife Fund since 2020.

“Wildlife crime is a complex issue, not confined to the shooting community, and we fully support efforts to tackle it wherever it occurs. We remain fully committed to continue working with government, police and conservation groups to root out criminal activity while also safeguarding the future of sustainable shooting.”
