BASC responds to general election result

general election

BASC has issued the following statement in response to the result of the general election yesterday, 4 July.

BASC’s executive director of communications and public affairs, Christopher Graffius, said: “BASC is ready to work with the incoming Labour government to ensure that shooting’s value to the UK economy and the contribution it makes to the conservation of our countryside is fully represented and acknowledged.

“Shooting is worth £3.3bn to the UK economy, generates the equivalent of 67,000 jobs, and contributes £500m worth of conservation value each year. These are numbers that can’t be ignored.

“We look forward to building on the contacts we have made in Westminster over the course of the last parliament and will be seeking meetings with Ministers as early as possible.

“Achieving positive outcomes for shooting remains BASC’s priority and we will work with all sides in the forthcoming Parliament to achieve results which benefit shooting.

“We will use the information received from our election platform to ensure we build relationships with the new intake of MPs in this Parliament to ensure we influence decisions that affect shooting and help shape the future for the economy and rural communities.”
