BASC’s end game is to find a political solution to this situation. The most obvious one is for GP contracts to be changed, requiring doctors to supply medical verification.
However, with statutory responsibility on doctors currently not in place, we have created a solution for BASC members.
We have identified individual BASC members who are doctors who in turn form medical panels to provide efficient and effective scrutiny and verification of an applicant’s medical history.
If you are a BASC member and are experiencing a problem obtaining medical verification, or your GP demands an exorbitant fee, we can help you.
We can provide a list of medical experts in your region who will be able to deal with the medical verification promptly and with a reasonable fee.
Once you have chosen a medical expert from the regional list provided, you contact them and let them know that are a BASC member and need some assistance.
You will also need to apply for a full set of your medical records from your GP to be sent to the medical expert, by email or post.
You must stress that a summary sheet will not suffice and that the full set of records must be sent. There should be no charge to the member for the records being sent out.