
BASC Council elections and AGM

Elections to BASC Council and notice of Annual General Meeting 2025

As a BASC member, you can play your part in ensuring the association benefits from the best possible governance by voting in this year’s council elections.

An election pack is included within your March/April copy of Shooting and Conservation magazine – please keep it safe as you need it to be able to vote. It includes your unique security code, which is needed for online voting, a ballot form, instructions on how to vote to elect your representative to BASC Council and a pre-paid envelope. 

Should you misplace your unique security code, you can request a new one directly from the scrutineer who can be contacted on 0345 209 3770. You will be asked to provide your full name, address and membership number.

There are seven candidates standing for two national seats and one candidate standing for one Northern Ireland seat. All votes must be submitted by Monday 19 May at 7.30pm.

Meet your candidates

National seats

Northern Ireland

How to vote

You can vote for your candidates online at or by returning the freepost ballot form included within your copy of Shooting and Conservation magazine.

All votes must be submitted by 7.30pm on Monday 19 May 2025.

Both members in a BASC joint membership category can vote. Only one set of voting papers is included in March/April copy of Shooting and Conservation magazine for the primary member. Joint members will receive their set of ballot papers by direct mail. 

If you haven’t received your voting papers by Friday 21 March, please contact the independent scrutineers’ election team by email at or by telephone on 0345 209 3770.

The election results will be announced at the BASC AGM on 22 May 2025.

BASC Annual General Meeting 2025

The BASC AGM 2025 will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday 22 May at BASC Head Office, Marford Mill, Rossett, Wrexham LL12 0HL. Doors will open at 6.30pm for registration.

Directions to Marford Mill can be obtained via the BASC website (

Provisional agenda

•Apologies for absence
•President’s address
•Chief executive’s address
•Chairman’s report
•Adoption of the annual report and audited financial statement for year end 31 December 2024
•Motions for debate
•Appointment of auditors 2025/26
•Any other business by leave of the chair

NB. Members attending the AGM must carry proof of membership and may also be required to prove their identity. Entry may be refused to any person who fails to fulfil this requirement.
