BASC celebrates launch of SAYFC partnership at Royal Highland Show

Young Farmers

BASC celebrated the launch of a partnership with the Scottish Association of Young Farmers’ Clubs (SAYFC) at the Royal Highland Show on Friday 22 June.

The packed reception was attended by the Minister for Agriculture and Connectivity, Jim Fairlie MSP, who gave his support to the collaboration.

BASC Scotland director Peter Clark spoke about the association between farming, shooting and conservation, including how young farmers could make the most of agri-environment climate schemes to bolster biodiversity gain and improve farmland habitats.

He hailed the partnership as another step forward in ‘inspiring the next generation to diversify their farming techniques to support conservation and achieve climate goals’.

The event marked the start of a partnership where BASC will host a variety of events for Scotland’s young farmers’ clubs, ranging from their national clay pigeon shooting competition right through to farm shoot walks and discussion evenings.

Peter Clark said: “The Royal Highland Show was the perfect setting to launch this exciting partnership with the Scottish Association of Young Farmers’ Clubs. “As a former young farmer and growing up on the family farm in Aberdeenshire, I know first-hand, the important link between agriculture and shooting.

“We were delighted to have Minister Jim Fairlie attend and provide his support to both organisations at this critical juncture for agriculture.

“BASC is here to support the SAYFC clubs, with various events which should inspire the next generation into shooting with all the spin-off benefits for conservation.”

Jenny Murtagh, agri and rural affairs partnership manager for SAYFC, said: “We are delighted to be working together with BASC to promote conservation and shooting activities across our membership. Many clubs are excited to integrate the training events and practical training days into their club and district syllabus.“

Want to read more news from BASC Scotland? Head to our dedicated pages here.
