Do your bit in the fight for a fair deal on firearms licensing fees

houses of parliament

Writing to your MP is at the top of the list in terms of what you can you do to assist BASC and other rural organisations in the fight for a fair deal on firearms licensing fees.

The government’s proposals for licensing fee increases were announced without proper consultation, nor assurances that the income raised from changes will be allocated to police firearms licensing departments.

The current level of gross inefficiency in firearms licensing means that a quarter of licensing authorities are taking up to two years to process grant applications. Moreover, under-resourced and overworked departments compromise public safety, the fundamental purpose of firearms licensing.

With the rise in fees due to take effect from 5 February, the work of the shooting community must continue at pace,  exerting influence where we can both quickly and effectively. 

Will contacting my MP make a difference?

Contacting your MP is on this issue is vital. Essentially, the more emails MPs receive from constituents, the more likely they are to contact the Home Office and inform them that they must do better for shooting.

A very recent example of shooters making the difference by writing to their local parliamentarian was Gloucestershire police’s decision to suspend all grant applications and that existing applications would take up to two years to process in November 2024. 

Thanks to BASC members lobbying their MPs in Gloucestershire, we were able to help to reverse the decision and secure the reopening of grant applications by the force on 2 December 2024. This would not have happened without the pressure put on local MPs.

Points to make to your MP

You can find contact details for your MP here. Click their email address to send them an email, using our suggested email text below should you wish to.

In addition to the key points detailed below, it would be useful to include your personal experience of the firearms licensing process in your area. When you receive a response, please email a copy of this to our political team at to inform our lobbying work

Suggested email text:

Dear [insert MP name here]

I wish to raise with you the government’s proposals for increases to firearms licensing fees. As a firearms licence/shotgun certificate holder, I have significant concerns about the manner in which the changes, which amount to an average of a 133 per cent increase on current fees, have been tabled. 

The fees increase was announced without proper consultation and a complete lack of transparency. As such, the policy is damaging to the countryside, the shooting community and rural voters.

The government’s justification for the increase is that the extra funds raised will go to support improvements in the work of firearms licensing departments. This is misleading, as it has no powers to ensure this happens. It is the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the Chief Constable for each force who are responsible for ensuring funds are allocated to firearms licensing departments. I seek assurances that income from any fees increase will be used to resource these teams.

[Insert any additional points you wish to make about the service you have received for firearms licensing here]

As a constituent, I urge you to raise this matter and the significant issues with the way in which it has been brought forward with the relevant Ministers on my behalf.

Please be aware that I will sending a copy of your response to the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) [, of which I am a member (include if you’re a member)].

I look forward to your response.

Kind regards,

[Your name]
